• Zone 1, 2, 3 and 3+: Intra Peninsular shipments or Andorra

    Zone 4: Shipments to Balearic Islands Ceuta or Melilla

    Zone 5: Shipments to Canary Islands

    ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

    Product Size --- National zones 1,2,3,3+ --- National Zone 4 --- National Zone 5

    33x43x1 CM --- € 10,09 --- € 13,52 --- € 14,84.

    41x51x2 CM --- € 12,04. --- € 15,45 --- € 18,11.

    32x42x3 CM --- € 10,09. --- € 13,52 --- € 14,84

  • Zone 1 Europe including Greenland (excluding Albania, Armenia, Bosnia, Cyprus, Georgia, Malta, Moldova, Russia and Bosnia and Herzegovina).

    Zone 2 Zone 2: Remaining countries not included in Zone 1 and Zone 3

    Zone 3 Australia, Canada, USA, Japan, New Zealand and Russia

    --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

    Image Size Zone EU1. --- Zone EU2 --- Zone AM --- Zone AS-OC. --- Zona AF

    33x43x1 CM --- € 16,25. --- € 23,30 --- € 22,30. --- € 23,90. --- € 16,95 ---

    41x51x2 CM --- € 18,05. --- € 31,85. --- € 31,35. --- € 33,45 --- € 26,15

    32x42x3 CM --- 16,25. --- € 26,45. --- € 28,95. --- € 29,25. --- € 22,30